Since 2005, our group has remained flexible in its structure and make-up to meet the needs of our ever changing membership. The groups that we offer, the awareness events, the trainings and programs all change as our membership does. But one common theme never changes. Our families were, and are, our priority and sole focal point. The heart of who we are, the heart of what we do, it is the same. We are families who are united. The goal of lifting each other up will always take precedence over any other goal. Inclusion, respect, support, and therapy remain a part of what we advocate for and believe in. Many parents and self advocates who have come before us paved the way for inclusive opportunities that we must build on and champion. Respect is the fundamental expectation we must have of others towards our loved ones and self advocates. Support is an ongoing need for our families. Therapy options must always be growing and progressing so that families have access to the best possible opportunities.
We started as a small group of parents getting together in a meeting room of a local church. Each year we got a little bigger. We didn't have a lot of funding but we had a lot of heart. One of our founding members, Bobbi Rogers learned how to write grants by taking a class at BOCES. To save money Greg Rogers completed the 501 (c) 3 paperwork himself . The founding board members determined our priorities and our first grant program was created in 2006. Since then our membership determines our goals each year. Anything is possible my friends. You just need heart and a purpose. Do you have a dream and a vision? Make it happen! We would love to see you make your dreams come true.